Senior Fitness
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The information covered in this week’s lecture and reading assignments will help you answer the following assignment. Your answers should be no less than 250 words and typed in a Microsoft Word document. When you are finished, upload the Word document to be graded using the dropbox below.
This week’s assignment:
Client Profile: Violet
Age Gender Height Weight Body Fat %
58 Female 66 inches 140 pounds 21%
Violet is a vibrant, young 58-year-old woman. She has led a healthy, active lifestyle since her early 30’s. She has noticed a gradual increase in body weight in the last few years, which does not please her. She has also noticed a small decrease in strength, especially upper body strength. Describe in detail a training program that will improve Violet’s general fitness level and allow her to remain a strong, independent woman. In your answer include the number of days per week you will train this client, the types of exercises she will be performing, the number of sets & repetitions you deem appropriate, and any other programming recommendations you feel will benefit her. Include citations of the research you based your recommendations on and explain why you feel this will be the best course of action to take with this client.
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Choose one of the following learning experiences. Perform the experience as instructed and write a 250 word essay describing your experience and what you gained from participating. Provide a comprehensive explanation of your findings, including the answer to the learning experience, as well as how this knowledge can benefit you in your service to your future clients, friends, and/or family.
Analyze the role of stretching as a part of an exercise program. Create a list of benefits that include physiological and practical reasons for maintaining or improving flexibility. Locate the resources available in your area for older adults and create a list of clubs or facilities that you would feel comfortable recommending to your older clients.
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Choose one of the following learning experiences. Perform the experience as instructed and write a 250 word essay describing your experience and what you gained from participating. Provide a comprehensive explanation of your findings, including the answer to the learning experience, as well as how this knowledge can benefit you in your service to your future clients, friends, and/or family.
1. Create a one-page handout for your clients on heart disease. Make sure all of the information you include is accurate and consistent with the current research. Include phone numbers of local agencies and/or web site addresses. There should be an overview of heart disease, facts to support exercise is beneficial in preventing this condition, and other pertinent information. Make sure the handout is well organized and be creative!